Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named by B.P.Konstantinov of NRC «Kurchatov Institute»


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7th International Workshop "Ultra Cold & Cold Neutrons. Physics & Sources." 8-14 of June 2009
 About NRD
 NRD structure
Scientific board
Neutron physics

Condensed state
   research division

Division of physics
   and technology
   of reactors

Research and
   development divisions

 News and events
Scientific seminars
PNPI Schools
WWR-M reactor
Critical facility   (File PDF)
 Science at NRD
   interaction and nuclear

Condensed matter

Reactor physics
   and technology

Applied researches

  Fundamental neutron properties. Physics beyond the Standard model

  • Measurements of neutron lifetime using storage of ultracold neutrons (UCN) in material traps   (File PDF)
  • Measurements of neutron lifetime using storage of UCN in magnetic trap  (File PDF)
  • A search for electric dipole moment (EDM) of neutron by magnetic resonance method using UCN  (File PDF)
  • A search for neutron EDM using diffraction (optics) of cold neutrons in noncentrosymmetric crystals   (File PDF)
  Symmetries of fundamental interactions.
  • P-odd effects in neutron interaction with light nucleuses   (File PDF)
  • Antineutrino-electron interaction   (File PDF)
  • Study of weak interactions using molecular and atomic beam spectroscopy  (File PDF)
  Fission of heavy nuclei by neutrons
  • Correlation experiments in fission by polarized neutrons  (File PDF)
  • Study of nuclear shape and excitations of fission fragments  (File PDF)
  Nuclear physics
  • High resolution crystal diffraction gamma spectroscopy   (File PDF)
  • Nuclear spectroscopy and nuclear structure  (File PDF)
  • Measurements of neutron cross-sections  (File PDF)
  • Neutron optics and neutron dynamical diffraction in single crystals   (File PDF)
  • Low background experiments   (File PDF)
  • Nuclear data centre
  • Study of large scale spin correlations in magnetics by polarised neutrons (SANS, 3D Polarization Analysis, SESANS)  (File PDF)
  • Study of strongly correlated systems by elasitc and inelastic neutron scattering and X-ray diffraction  (File PDF)
  • Physical properties, the crystal and magnetic structures of complex compounds: oxides, intermetalic compounds  (File PDF)
  • Study of the electronic structure of the chemical bonds and mechanism of the isomorphous phase transition   (File PDF)
  • Study of the critical state of the low field electrodynamics of HTSC   (File PDF); (File PDF)
  • Material research   (File PDF)
  • Study of the substances with defects created by neutron radiation    (File PDF)
  • Study of the endohedral metallofullerenes.(File PDF)
Main About NRD NRD structure News and events Facilities Science at NRD Bibliography Russian page  
   Last updated:    22.10.2007 10:31   mailto:webmaster